Monday, September 14, 2020

Sefirin Kızı 20th Episode Trailer is Out! What Happened in 19th Episode?

In the last episode Gediz explained his love to Nare. Gediz said 'I cared about you, listened to you. I wanted you to be so happy. I also wanted you to see me as well. It is me who always asks 'How are you?' That's not enough for me. What I will tell you costed me and Sancar.'

'I am Crying for You Now'

After explaining his love Gediz rebelled 'Sancar comes and hurts you and me. Do you know how dirty hurting someone you love?' And Nare who is full of tears says: 'And now I am crying for you, are you happy?'

What Happened in the Last Episode of 'Sefirin Kızı'? 

Sancar lockdowns Nare and prohibits Gediz to enter mansion. It negatively effect Gediz who can't enter the mansion which used to belong his grandfather before.

And Menekşe goes crazy when Nare stays on her upstairs. When Kahraman says he can save her from Nare, he and Menekşe start to cooperate.

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